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Van's RV-12is : N626NA

This 2022 aircraft is a new and improved version of the original RV-12. 626NA has dual Garmin G3X touch screens, Garmin dual axis autopilot, and a Garmin 650 WAAS GPS unit for instrument training! This GPS pair offers real time weather, traffic alerts, chart overlays, and much more at the tip of your fingers!



Rental Rate for 626NA: $225/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*


Van's RV-12 : N243VA


N243VA built in 2013 offers students a unique experience starting with its color scheme, but stays consistent with the high quality of training our aircraft provides. Our RV12 has a single Dynon D1000 touch screen with ADS-B traffic and weather, synthetic vision, built in sectional charts, airport/facility directory, checklists, and more.  Our RV12s also have a two-axis autopilot. 



Rental Rate for 243VA: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*


Van's RV-12 : N271VA & N266VA


The RV12 is a fun airplane to fly and great to learn in - that makes it our primary trainer. Our RV12s have dual Dynon D1000 touch screens with ADS-B traffic and weather, synthetic vision, built in sectional charts, airport/facility directory, checklists, and more.  Our RV12s also have a two-axis autopilot. 



Rental Rate for 266VA and 271VA: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*


Van's RV-12 : N922CA

This 2016 aircraft has dual Garmin G3X touch screens and is equipped with a two axis autopilot. This is the same model as our other two Vans RV-12s, N266VA and N271VA. Equipped with 10.6 Garmin G3X display units, this new system offers real time weather, traffic alerts, chart overlays, and much more at the tip of your fingers.



Rental Rate for 922CA: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*


Van's RV-12 : N311VA

N311VA is a 2017 RV-12 equipped with dual Dynon Skyview HDX panels. The HDX features an upgraded interface as well as an improved display system. This aircraft traveled all the way from Ontario, California to join our fleet! You can read about how we flew an RV-12 across the country on our blog.



Rental Rate for 311VA: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*


Cessna 150 : N60650

Brand new to the CHI fleet this August, our leased Cessna 150J, built in 1969, gives students a chance to learn to fly without breaking the bank. It is capable of VFR and dual flight training and rentals, including two uAvioni AV-30-C displays. This aircraft is perfect for entry-level pilots and for commercial students who are looking to time build! 


Rental Rate for N60650: $160/HR (Wet)


Cessna 172N : N1355F

This 1979 Cessna 172N is used for our student training, instrument training, instrument proficiency checks and is a fun flyer for a scenic route around the seacoast. This spacious four seat aircraft has the classic steam gauges and is equipped with modern avionics such as brand new G5s, the Garmin GNS 430, GMA 340 and GTX 327.



Rental rate for 1355F: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*

55F Outside.jpg

Cessna 172M : N1459V

This 1976 Cessna 172M is used for Primary and Advanced student training, instrument training, instrument proficiency checks and is a classic flyer for a scenic route around the seacoast. This spacious four seat aircraft has the classic steam gauges and is also equipped with the Garmin GNS 430 with WAAS, GMA 340 and GTX 327.



Rental rate for 1459V: $220/HR (Wet) *effective January, 2025*

Alpha 160A

CHI has access to modern and cutting edge aircraft that can meet all of your training needs. Our Van's RV-12's, and Cessna 172's are also available to rent!


Cessna 182 : N5195U

This Cessna 182 built in 2009 provides students with the opportunity to get their high performance rating, along with VFR and Instrument dual flight training. Equipped with two Garmin G1000 displays this aircraft is perfect for advanced students and rentals!   


Rental Rate for 5195U: $275/HR (Wet)


Alpha 160A : N125GC

The Alpha 160A is used for our advanced stall and spin training, and our upset recovery program, Basic instrument training (precision and non-precision approaches) can be done in this aircraft. This aircraft is dual instruction only. Check out the video below to see it in action!


Rental Rate for 125GC: $225/HR (Wet)

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CHI PSM - 58 Durham Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801   |  CHI B19 - 88 Landry Street, Biddeford, ME 04005

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