Congratulations to Ian R. for passing his IFR checkride!
Ian woke up bright and early on the morning of March 21st and arrived at PSM to take his checkride. The oral exam began at 6am with DPE Jim Laranger, and Ian was quizzed on weather, flight planning, and aircraft systems. After an hour and a half, Ian was informed that he passed and moved onto the flight portion of the exam.

With preflight complete, they taxied to 34 and took off for local approach work. Ian completed three approaches, a hold, and a DME arc. After impressing the DPE with incredibly careful and accurate flying, Ian was informed that he passed.
Ian has been training with CFII Scott over the past year in our Cessna 172N N1355F. He is also the second instrument student to pass at CHI!
Congratulations Ian and have fun with your T182T checkout!